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Field Trip C (Post-Congress)

The Elba Island: Tectonics, magmatism, and ore deposits in the oceanic and continental units of Eastern Elba.

Field Trip Leaders: Martina Zucchi1, Andrea Brogi1, Domenico Liotta1, Giancarlo Molli2.
1University of Bari, 2University of Pisa.

The excursion, through visit of classic locations in eastern Elba, will address the tectonic history, magmatism, and mineralization processes that affected the inner Apennines during their late orogenic stages.
2 days (19-20 September 2024), three overnight stays.
Max. 24 participants.
See this page.
Deadline for registration and payment for excursion is 30.5.2024.
The excursion will start from Siena immediately after the end of the Congress on 18.9.2024. Participants will be taken by bus to Piombino, where they will embark by ship for the Island of Elba. We will arrive in Rio Marina (Island of Elba) and walk to the hotel (Hotel Rio sul Mare) in the late afternoon.
We will be staying at the Hotel Rio sul Mare on the evenings of 18-19-20.9.2024. By the morning of 21.9.2024 the excursion is over and participants will be able to leave the Elba Island from Rio Marina by their own means.
Trip to the Island of Elba, lunches and dinners on 18-19-20-9.2024. Printed colour guide-book. Field trip participants will be accommodated in shared double rooms.
Not included
Participants will have to leave the Island of Elba on the morning of 21.9.2024 at their own expense, i.e. they will have to book and buy the return boat ticket.


1st Day - 19.9.2024. Topics: The tectonics units of Eastern Elba: pre-intrusions structures and their architectural frame.

2nd Day - 20.9.2024. Topics: Tectonics and magmatism: structures, timing and debated issues.