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Field Trip A (Pre-Congress)

The "Ligurian Knot": The Alps/Apennines connection, the Piedmont Tertiary Basin, Alpine and Apenninic tectonic units, Ligurian ophiolites.

Field Trip Leaders: Laura Crispini1, Anna d’Atri2; Laura Federico1, Luca Barale3, Fabrizio Piana3, Giancarlo Molli4
1University of Genova, 2University of Torino, 3CNR-Torino, 4University of Pisa

The excursion will develop from Tortona, where the gathering of participants will take place, through classic locations in Piemonte, central and eastern Liguria. The excursion will focus on the regional structural elements that define and characterize the junction area between the Alps and the Apennine chains, their internal constitution, sedimentary history, deformational structures, and kinematics.

3 days (13-14-15 September 2024), two overnight stays.
Max. 24 participants.
See this page.
Deadline for registration and payment for excursion is 30.5.2024.
Meeting point and start of the Field Trip is the Tortona rail station, 13.9.2024, 10:30 a.m. Participants must reach Tortona station by their own means and at their own expense. Tortona station is easy to reach as it is on the Milano-Genova railway line.
Congress Venue, Complesso Didattico Laterino/Dpt. Earth Sciences, University of Siena, Via Laterino 8, Siena (see location), about 19:00 p.m., in time to attend the Icebreaker Party.
Travel, overnight stay (13 and 14 September), dinner, breakfast, lunch, printed guide-book, trip to Siena on 15 September. Field trip participants will be accommodated in shared double rooms.
Not included
Participants will have to reach meeting point at Tortona station on 13.9.2024 by their own means (train, etc.) at their own expense. Overnight stay on 15 September evening in Siena is not included.


1st Day - 13.9.2024. Topics: The Piedmont Tertiary Basin and the structural elements of the Alps-Apennines Knot
Gavi (AL): Dinner and night staying.

2nd Day - 14.9.2024. Topics: The Sestri-Voltaggio zone, structures, kinematic and time of deformation.
Varese Ligure (SP): Dinner and night staying.

3th Day - 15.9.2024. Topics: The Ligurian units of the Northern Apennines in the classical areas of East Liguria. Return journey to Siena, Congress Venue (arrive about 19:00).